D.I.Y. Rock Star Rewind: Feeling Book-ish 📚 (December 2023)

Book works📚
The book is being proofread right now. 🥳 The finishing touches are being put on the landing page and the email list is being set up as I am typing this. — Proud that I was able to figure out how to make the accompanying workbook digitally-fillable. —This means, if you want to type answers into it, you can. — It is our goal to have EVERYTHING available for a Black Friday launch. (We’ll be sending you a Black Friday coupon code.)
How to show up more confidently on stage: https://bit.ly/307betteronstageblog
Another livestream in the books 🥳
This livestream marks the last single release from this project, which means that the next livestream will be celebrating the entire album’s release. This means that the remaining 9 songs will be available. —This ALSO means that we are going to have to figure out the process for consolidating ALL the songs—the previously-released singles, as well as the unreleased songs— into one collection.
What’s on our bookshelf 2.0: https://bit.ly/310books2blog
Promotion machine rolls on 🛻
Needless to say, the life of a D.I.Y. Rock Star necessitates that promotion continues LONG after ANY of these products–—the book or the album—are released. 😬—In fact, THIS means that it’s time to dust off the Tony Webb album and push THAT rock up the mountain. 💁🏾 —But if we don’t do it, who will? —Plus, it’s nice when what we create lands in cool places far and wide. —For instance, we were just featured in a Venezuelan music publication, Rockear.co (Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/BPJRockearfeature ). —And this is just ONE of the MANY wonderful things that has happened in this latest journey. As we might have mentioned before, songs from this project have been added to over 250 playlists since promotions started in April, so we can see that all the extra work has been worth it.
BPJ is featured in Rockear.co! https://bit.ly/BPJRockearfeature
Special thanks! 🙏🏽
We are giving a special shout out to Andrew Nawacki, who believed in us before it was cool—and preordered the book a couple of years ago. —Needless to say, you will be getting the book and a complimentary copy of the accompanying workbook. —And if you’ve read THIS far, we know you’re OUR people and we want to reward you for sticking around. That’s why we’re giving YOU–our amazing people–50% off in a pre-Black Friday sale. (Keep a look out for the email.) We couldn’t do this thing–and grow this fast–without your continued support, THANK YOU! 😀🙌🏾
12 Key People a D.I.Y. Rock Star Needs in Their Network: https://bit.ly/309peopleblog
Here's where to go next:
• New “retro flow” t-shirt: https://bit.ly/flowretroshirtaug23
• Exclusive “clouds” t-shirt: https://bit.ly/obtflwtshirt623
• Patreon: https://bit.ly/PMGPatreon
• Join the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team! https://bit.ly/BPJstreetteam
• BandCamp (music; most discography): http://bit.ly/BandCampPMG
• "Funkalicious" video: https://bit.ly/twebbfunkaliciousvid
• “Every Heartbeat”: https://bit.ly/everyheartbeatvid
• “It’s Gonna Be Alright: https://bit.ly/itsgonnabealrightmusicvid
Friday night hang and album release for "Obtanium Flow"
Record Release Live Stream
Bourgeoisie Paper Jam
December 1, 2023 at 7 pm
On Facebook and YouTube
Facebook, access our page at 7pm: https://bit.ly/bpjfacebook
• Q & A
• Merch giveaway (share livestream with MOST viewers gets Exclusive T-shirt)
• Hang out in studio
How did we get on so many playlists? https://bit.ly/286playlistsblog
Here's what we're most thrilled about this month:
BPJ is featured in Rockear.co! https://bit.ly/BPJRockearfeature
“So Restless” Livestream video: https://bit.ly/sorestlessfblive
Album release livestream is upcoming December 1
Book launch Black Friday sale coming!
Who wants to be a "One Hit Wonder"? https://bit.ly/308onehitblog
Gab & Jam:
307. How to show up more confidently on stage (video: https://bit.ly/307betteronstagevid and podcast: https://bit.ly/307betteronstageppod )
308. Who wants to be a "One Hit Wonder"? (video: https://bit.ly/308onehitvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/308onehitpod )
309. 8 Key People a D.I.Y. Rock Star Needs in Their Network (video: https://bit.ly/309peoplevid and podcast: https://bit.ly/309peoplepod )
310. What’s on our bookshelf 2.0 (video: https://bit.ly/310books2vid and podcast: https://bit.ly/310books2pod )
“So Restless” Music Video: https://bit.ly/sorestlessmusicvideo
“So Restless” Livestream video: https://bit.ly/sorestlessfblive
Blog Posts:
How to show up more confidently on stage: https://bit.ly/307betteronstageblog
Who wants to be a "One Hit Wonder"? https://bit.ly/308onehitblog
12 Key People a D.I.Y. Rock Star Needs in Their Network: https://bit.ly/309peopleblog
What’s on our bookshelf? 2.0: https://bit.ly/310books2blog
In case you missed last month’s newsletter, here it is: https://bit.ly/november2023diyrockstar
Listen to the latest album on your favorite streaming platform.
Song Clips:
238. “I Get Faded” @Fodera #Fodera #bass Buy here: https://bit.ly/buyigetfadedbc
239. “Head Held High” @Fodera #Fodera #bass Buy here: https://bit.ly/headheldhighbc
240. “Honey” @Fodera #Fodera #bass Buy it here: https://bit.ly/honeysfbc
241. “Stay With Me” @Fodera #Fodera #bass https://bit.ly/staywithmebcbuy
242. “It’s Alright to Feel It” @Fender #Fender #guitar https://bit.ly/alrightbcbuy
Did you know that along with putting together our next album, we are working on our first book?
Here’s the link, if you want to pre-order: https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding
More Ways to consume B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
· All things “Obtanium Flow”: https://bit.ly/bpjobtflwlinks
· Blog: http://bit.ly/bpblogsubscribe
· Shop: https://bit.ly/prejippieshop
· Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bloomingprejippie
· Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bloomingprejipp
· Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/bloomingprejippie
· Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bloomingprejippie
· YouTube: http://bit.ly/youtubesubprejippie
· Gab & Jam podcast: https://bit.ly/gabandjamhq
· Soundcloud (music): https://soundcloud.com/prejippie
· Join the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team! https://bit.ly/BPJstreetteam
· Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook Pre-order: https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding