5 Things we love about the Isley Brothers
Loosely, this is Gab & Jam episode 218. 5 Things we love about the Isley Brothers (video: https://bit.ly/218isleybrovid and podcast:...

How to give better live performances 🎸 (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely, Gab & Jam, episode 219. How to give better live performances 🎸 (video: https://bit.ly/219betterlivevid and podcast:...

Artist mentoring program revealed
This post is loosely, Gab & Jam, episode 217. Artist mentoring program revealed (video: https://bit.ly/217artistmentorrevealvid and...

Why Did We Get a Cricut? (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Here’s a little context… As a D.I.Y. Rock Star, we are in CONSTANT need of collateral, like band merch, and this puppy is SUPPOSED to be...

How to Enjoy Chicago Post-Pandemic (July 2021)
Here are the places we went and what we did on our recent Chicago, our first post-pandemic trip.
#chicago #travel #postpandemic #prejippie

Newbies Guide to Nashville: Nearly Post-Pandemic....
If you're looking for drive-by reviews of the things we experienced, scroll to the bottom of this post. I n i t i a l I m p r e s s i...

Drive By Review: Fiona Apple’s “Fetch the Bolt Cutters”
What's a Drive By Review?? It's a quick hit of music review lusciousness? Check out this short, tight feature for some informal fun. I...

Taking the Plunge: Tailwind for Pinterest Trial
Taking the Plunge: Tailwind for Pinterest Trial Blog-vember 2018 I have been seeing blog posts for the Tailwind, the social media...

Review of Sons of Apollo's “MMXX” (Album)
There's nothing like the FOURTH time?? Anselm Anderson, our guest music reviewer, is back with his fourth review. Thank God his...

7 Self-Care Activities for Musicians
7 Self-Care Activities for Musicians Even though we’re on overdrive—since we feel as if we’ve lost sooo many years toward our goals—we...