Favorite Creative Content #1

This post loosely accompanies Gab & Jam
285. Favorite Creative Content #1 (video: https://bit.ly/285favcreativevid and podcast: )
As creators ourselves, we get heaps of inspiration from hearing and seeing content of others who are in the creative process or who are mulling over ideas that we enjoy discussing. So, this is a round-up of sorts of YouTube creators, podcasts, and radio shows of our current creative content. We KNOW that this list COULD end up being exhaustive, so that’s why this is volume one.
See the episode for the full discussion.
Here’s the blog post that accompanies this episode: 285favcreativeblog
Current Favorites:
1. Rick Beato (YouTube)
His channel is called “Everything Music” and covers everything from music theory to song analysis and, lately, we’ve been doing really insightful interviews with musicians, like Butch Vig and Billy Corgan. He speaks from a musician’s perspective, which is what we really love.
2. Volume (now defunct; on Sirius Satellite Radio)
Sadly, this station is now defunct, but it is one of the places where we have discovered new music and other current music news. There are no new episodes, but the old ones are still there. When we put together this list, we were thinking about all the music and artists that we have discovered from their “New Music Friday” show; folks like Chiiild, Japanese Breakfast, and Royal Blood. (If you’re interested in more musical discoveries, check out this post .)
3. Art Juice 🧃 (podcast)
This podcast is produced by two visual artists in England. One of the complaints that they say they hear from listeners is that they don’t talk about art, but I disagree. Instead, I say that it’s a very chatty show about their process, their path to getting to make art their living, and about maintaining the motivation and moving the business part of the art life forward. I find what they talk about encouraging, because it helps bolster the idea that no matter WHEN you decide to change the path of your life, you can, and that “doing the work” of being an artist is an ever-evolving process.
4. Creative Juice 🥤 (podcast)
Though it SOUNDS like “Art Juice,” this one is different. It is brought to us by Indreprenuer, where they talk about the things that an independent artist needs to be concerned with—everything from running Facebook ads to how to pull fans into your ecosystem. Not only is what they share inspiring, it helps shore up the business part of music that we lacked until recently. I learn from them, use it for building our creative empire, and then come back and share it with you all. And it was actually, Creative Juice that helped us be ready to take advantage of the music mentoring that we participated in a little over a year ago. (If you want to know MORE about that, check this out .) I KNEW we needed to do some of these things, but did not know how to do them. However, once Modern Musician came along, we knew to jump on that opportunity to help us achieve some of the outcomes that they talk about in this podcast.
5. Unbusy (podcast)
It is a newer podcast that has, as its core, trying to figure out how to work more efficiently, so that you can find the space to be creative. –As you MIGHT know, we’re ALL about that around here, at this point in our journey. When we started 7 years ago, we were hustling, hustling, hustling to get EVERYTHING figured out and done. Now, we have developed systems and tightened up our goals, so that we can spend a shorter amount of time doing the “work” of the music business, and spend more time relaxing and enjoying life and each other. –THIS is what this podcast talks about. It teaches us that working is NOT a badge of honor; it is a way to get things done that you have prioritized.
What about you?
What creative content has inspired YOU?
Did you know that along with putting together our next album, we are working on our first book?
Here’s the link, if you want to pre-order: https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding
Here’s what we’re into now:
· We’re featured in Variety Magazine! https://bit.ly/featuresxsw2023
· One of our videos for our song, “Tell Me What You Want,” is going gangbusters in Vietnam! https://bit.ly/tellmewhatyouwantvid
· “Faith in Me” on Union 999 Independent Playlist: https://spoti.fi/3Jusm2Q
· “I Miss You” got picked up for a Spotify Playlist! https://spoti.fi/3jha4HP
If you like this, you might enjoy:
· Basic Recording Studio Setup: https://bit.ly/246basicstudiopost
· What to do when real life interrupts your artistic process? https://bit.ly/241reallifeblog
· 7 Strategies for rebounding from creative burnout: https://bit.ly/239digoutofburnoutblog
· How to give better interviews (for D.I.Y. Rock Star): https://bit.ly/236betterinterviewsblog
· How to give better live performances: https://bit.ly/219betterliveblog
· How to collaborate better (for D.I.Y. Rock Star): https://bit.ly/Ep163collaborateblog
· How to write quicker, but better (for D.I.Y. Rock Star): https://bit.ly/228writebetterblogpost
· Should you ever play for free? https://bit.ly/214playfreeblog
· 17 Tips for taking better band photos—ESPECIALLY if you taking them yourself: http://bit.ly/betterbandphotos
New single, “Give Your Love Freely,” by Bourgeoisie Paper Jam http://bit.ly/BandCampPMG and
follow on Spotify at https://bit.ly/bpjspotfollow
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· All things “Sugar Fit”: https://bit.ly/SugarFitlanding
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· YouTube: http://bit.ly/youtubesubprejippie
· Gab & Jam podcast: https://bit.ly/gabandjamhq
· Soundcloud (music): https://soundcloud.com/prejippie
· Join the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team! https://bit.ly/BPJstreetteam
· Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook Pre-order: https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding
· Funky Happy People (Who Listen to a Variety of Genres of Music) Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/funkyhappyjoin
· Be the Next D.I.Y. Rock Star Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/diyrockstarjoin
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Until next Monday, here’s wishing love, peace, and chicken grease!