16 Favorite Movie Soundtracks

While we have movies that we absolutely love, sometimes it’s a movie’s music that “speaks” to us long after the movie is over. It calls us back and we’re happy to come.
These are the ones that have made our personal Apple or Spotify playlist.
These are not ranked, but we have divvied them up between us. When asked about our favorites of all time, these soundtracks slipped right out. This must mean that this list was meant to be.
You’ve heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, band photos REALLY are, since they determine if someone is going to say “Hell, yeah!” or “Hell, no!” to listening to your kick-ass music. Don’t forget to take heed to these important tips, in order to “get it right.” Check out this checklist of 15 valuable tips. http://www.bloomingprejippie.com/betterbandphotos
V o x
B r u c e
Z a n d a l e e
Dear White People (Netflix Series)
The End of the F**king World (Netflix Series)
C a l e b
0 (That’s a gooseegg. He says that no soundtracks have resignated with him like that, so he did not feel the unction to contribute to this list.)
What soundtracks would
make your “slipped-right-out” list?
Tell us by leaving a comment below.
Until next time, here's wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!
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