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Yep, READY to rock! 🤘🏽: D.I.Y. Rock Star Rewind (November 2021)

—Yep, we're READY to rock! 🤘🏽

Following a roadmap

—I feel like, even though I have a shit ton of work to do at the dayjob, I am ready for that too! 💥 I have all the rough plans typed out, so that I WON'T get lost in the shuffle of things. I am going to be shifting back and forth between many IMPORTANT priorities now, so I need to CONSTANTLY have that roadmap to keep me focused. With this, I don’t get as overwhelmed as I tend to get WITHOUT it, because I KNOW that there are ONLY so many things that can be accomplished at one time, so that pushes ALL the other things off my plate and lets me know what is MOST important right in this particular moment. 🥰🧘🏾‍♂️💐

Networking for introverts (ESPECIALLY D.I.Y. Rock Stars)!

Work ahead

—Today, we’re filming 2 more episodes, but I was so THRILLED to be able to have ALREADY edited and posted today’s episode! It gives me SUCH a relief NOT to have to film and rush to edit it within the same day! 🤷🏽‍♀️ That allows me to do whatever the fuck I want with the REST of the day! 🤷🏽‍♀️ You DON’T EVEN KNOW how freeing that is….. ESPECIALLY when I have work tomorrow! 😳😬😊 This way, if I DECIDE to do MORE work, then great. 👍🏽 But if I DECIDE to spend it walking the Earth with Bruce, then it’s NOT a problem. OR if I spend it on the couch, watching movies, then I DON’T feel like a slouch. 🤷🏽‍♀️

189. 5 Ways NOT to be a jerk especially in the music business

No short-changing here

What’s more is that I DON’T shortchange the episode either—by just trying to get DONE with it—because sometimes I have resorted to shortcuts that I HAVEN’T been proud of. —Just like with preparing for an episode, there is a certain level of care that’s necessary for it to END up being something that I am PROUD of long-term, so I REALLY like to approach the editing more casually—and NOT in a rush and NOT cranky or buzzed or hungry. By being able to edit on ANY other day BUT Sunday—and/or NOT to have to record AND edit in the same day—allows me that headspace to not only ENJOY the process more, but to put more thought and care into it too. 🥰😊🤷🏽‍♀️🙌🏾🥳 So, this week, we’re doing it right. 🙌🏾😊

190. The value of investing in coaching

(for the D I Y Rock Star) (video: and podcast: )

Moved our business address. FINALLY.

—Okay, so I KNOW you ALREADY know what the outcome of this is, but I feel compelled to mention it. As I am finalizing my thinking on what needs to happen for these starter packs ( ) to be fun and cool and sensible, I realize that it’s FINALLY time to move on to a P.O. Box that provides the level —and types—of service that we need for this new season. As far as I am concerned, the USPS has run me AWAY from using them. It’s NOT so much that they are just generally nasty and no-care-ish—because I had learned to stomach that 😳. It’s that we NEED to be able to use a street address other than our own home address and these fools ALWAYS hassled me that THIS isn’t possible with them—even though they HAVE a REAL street address! —I would just add “unit 1682,” so that the mail would DEFINITELY reach our box. For YEARS, they have told me that I CANNOT do this. 😳🤷🏽‍♀️🙄

191. Tips for owning covers (for D.I.Y. Rock Stars)


Also, they WILL NOT accept deliveries from ANY mail service, but their own…… even though, if a UPS comes through their OWN agreement with Amazon, etc., they CAN accept it. 🙄🤷🏽‍♀️ FINALLY, because we so RARELY get mail there so far, it has been a hassle to check it. I just have to decide every few months to go check it on general principle, just in case there’s something there for us (and it’s USUALLY returned mail, wrongly addressed mail, or just straight up junk). 🙄🤷🏽‍♀️ From what I am understanding is that UPS will notify by email if anything arrives in your box, if you set up a notification process with them. 🤷🏽‍♀️🙌🏾 So, even though the UPS mailbox will be further away and will cost about $30 more per month, when I consider that we get ALL the aforementioned services—that we’ve NEVER been able to get!—and that they’re so friendly and open MORE hours—it actually seems a good value for this season that we’re in.

192. 8 Reasons to Network for Introverts (ESPECIALLY D.I.Y. Rock Stars)

Not pinching the pennies to our own detriment….

—As you MIGHT know, we are actively reaching out to invite folks who liked our music into an offer to join our Street Team and receive a free Starter Pack (if they cover the shipping and handling). After a couple of weeks, we are FINALLY getting orders, which is making us take inventory on the ways that we’re conducting the day-to-day business and doing things like creating band-branded return address labels to include on our packages has been an important consideration—hence, considering where this mail MIGHT return back to has been a greater concern, as well as us knowing about it in a reasonable amount of time. —Also, we can see that things are expanding for us, so it is likely that we will start receiving MORE business-related mail as a result. We don’t want to be TOO frugal for our own good, which is why it’s time to upgrade.

Daily business….

Okay, so I have prattled on a ways, but if you in the throes of making these same kind of decisions, this type of day-to-day decision-making might hit you right. So, cheers to you! 🥂 —And, to be honest, if you read THIS far, we believe that you’re our kind of people anyway! Thanks, again! 🙏🏽

Bourgeoisie Paper Jam has its own Instagram page!

More artist mentoring news coming…

All I can say is that we are doing some really exciting—yet challenging—work with this artist mentoring program that we’re a part of, so we will keep you in the loop as we grow and change. But, as always, THANKS for coming along on this ride! 😊

Our podcast is now available on Amazon Podcasts!

What are YOU in the throes of right now?

What decisions have you had to make to upgrade your art-based business?

We’d like to know. Leave it in the comments below.


What we're most proud of this month:


Gab & Jam:

189. 5 Ways NOT to be a jerk especially in the music business (video: and podcast: )

190. The value of investing in coaching (for the D I Y Rock Star) (video: and podcast: )

191. Tips for owning covers (for D.I.Y. Rock Stars) (video: and podcast: )

192. 8 Reasons to Network for Introverts (ESPECIALLY D.I.Y. Rock Stars) (video: and podcast: )

Blog posts:

Song Clips:

132. “Crazy Blue” @gibson #gibson

133. “Lenny Plays JB” @Sandberg #Sandberg #bass

134. “Skippy Doo” @musicman #musicman #guitar

135. “On Your Own” @Fender #Fender #bass #fretless

Song to Soundcloud:

Prejippie-generated Playlists:

All Things Sugar Fit: 🍭

More Ways to consume B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :

· All things “Sugar Fit”:

· Gab & Jam podcast:

· Soundcloud (music):

· Funky Happy People (Who Listen to a Variety of Genres of Music) Facebook Group:

· Be the Next D.I.Y. Rock Star Facebook Group:




This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. Tip: Add your own image by double clicking the image and clicking Change Image.

 prejippie MANIFESTo: 


  1. Dislodging cultural hairballs.

  2. Always looking for the next new beautiful, colorful, cultural thing... 

  3. Prefer beauty, because that's where truth is found.

  4. Documenting our blossoming.

  5. To be that ever-changing mix of preppies, jitterbugs, and hippies.

  6. To explore as many genre mash-ups as possible.

  7. To be inspired and to inspire others.

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