Quick and Dirty Drive Through Review Macy Gray
Date Night at Macy Gray Concert (Music Hall, Detroit, MI on February 3, 2023)
#macygray #datenight @musichalldetroit #prejippie #bloomingprejippie
We’ve seen her before; the last time she was in Detroit. We loved her then and we loved her tonight. She’s here to promote her upcoming album, The Reset, which is scheduled for release on February 14, 2023.
She’s a great date night choice, because she is witty, her songs offer variety, the parking is close by, and since there’s no opening act, the show starts early and ends early.
Check out the accompanying video: https://bit.ly/macygrayconcertfeb23
One of our favorites was her cover of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters.” She has turned it into a cool jazz waltz and her voice adds the perfect contrast to the music. The music is lush and tight, and her voice is scratchy, which gives the performance that “right” yinyang flavor.
We love that she is not afraid to perform her newer material, even as she gives folks a sing-a-long for favorites, like “I Try.” –She brought a front-row fan on stage to help sing it. (see that video here)
We’ve always found her show entertaining, enthusiastic, a little edgy, but honest. So, if you’re in the mood for a great date night, she’s a great choice!
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