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Sunshine Blogger Award: Thanks for the Nomination!

Day 18 Blog-vember 2018 --Blooming Prejippie

First of all, thanks littlemisadvencha for nominating us for this awesome award! I am delighted to know that our blogging pixie dust has spread throughout the galaxy and has graced us with this nomination. I am less delighted with the fact that I did not realize that we were nominated until now; I just happened to have googled us for something else and happened upon it. The bottom line is that we couldn’t be happier and will spread this love on to the next group of bloggers.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

While I could not find definitive proof of who was originally behind it, this is what I found out from a past recipient, Coleman Concierge: “The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive, and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.” That’s something that we can dig. We love sharing in projects designed to showcase and uplift creativity and inspiration, so this it was easy to get on board with this movement.