Quick and Dirty Drive Through Review: St. Vincent (Detroit, Oct. 20, 2021)

Quick and Dirty Drive Through Review
St. Vincent at The Fillmore, Detroit, MI (October 20, 2021)
Dang! She made it a spectacle, with her drama-ready street stage set and her 3 dancing, choreographed background singers with full-on Afro wigs.

I can see the notes of David Byrne and definitely the theatricality of Prince. ….Meets some Devo, too. Just the kind of show that this retro-obsessed world is ready for.
It was more like seeing a Broadway musical than a show. It helped that she kept the songs short and sweet. Yep, she went in, pulled her songs out, threw down, and then went on her merry way. Just the way we like it. She even stopped to tell jokes and to propose a few toasts—that, NOT incidentally —were served by a platform-heeled waitress.

—I’ll admit that I was worried that the slow pace of the newest record—Daddy’s Home (2021)—would make for a draggy—and I DON'T mean the fun kinda “drag”—show, but with all the bombast, it actually brought THOSE songs to life. I think it also helped to have soulful background singers replace the studio-layered vocals. It gave the vocals a color that I didn’t feel before.
Moving mirror set pieces, which provided different views for each of the changing perspectives. Very campy. Encore was very red and edgy. Fun was had by all. 🥳
Date night at St. Vincent concert, Detroit Fillmore #stvincent @stvincent #fillmoredetroit @fillmoredetroit #datenight #diyrockstar #prejippie
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