7 types of rest and how to get them (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 331. 7 types of rest and how to get them (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/331restvid and...

5 Things every D.I.Y. Rock Star needs to know about publicity
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 330. 5 Things every D.I.Y. Rock Star needs to know about publicity (video: https://bit.ly/3305thingsprvid...

How to create compelling album covers (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 329. How to create compelling album covers (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/329bettercov...

D.I.Y. Rock Star Rewind: Thriving Spirit (April/May 2024) 🌱
Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Planner! https://bit.ly/2024rockstarplanner Limited time offer! Discount for followers. Use code...

Knowing when to quit (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 328. Knowing when to quit (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/328whentoquitvid and podcast: ...

Using humor in your art (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 327. Using humor in your art (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/327humorinartvid and...

7 Tips for running a blog (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 326. 7 Tips for running a blog (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/326topblogtipsvid and...

Benefits of having a blog (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 325. Benefits of having a blog (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/325diyrockblogvid and...

324. How to get out of a creative rut (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 324. How to get out of a creative rut (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/324outofrutvid and...

How much formal education is necessary (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam, 323. How much formal education is necessary (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/323howmuched...