D.I.Y. Rock Star Rewind: Chew Gum AND Walk?! (September 2020)

Keep in mind….

Though this message is for you, it was ME talking to ME first….

This book I am reading—The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson—is helping me understand how to choose better problems and to shrug off the rest. This gives you just a little context into this next rant (as it is).

(If you haven't already, consider joining our almost 600+ member

Be the Next D.I.Y. Rock Star Facebook Group! http://bit.ly/diyrockstarjoin )

End of Summer, Baby….

—So, today is back to the work week grind—for me, knowing that this is my last full month of summer—and knowing that I am going to need to stop pussyfooting around as much and need to get more done in a day and evening. While it has been really nice to tap into my reading for pleasure mode, I am going to need to start investing more time into the work of the record release.

Reality Strikes….

—I think I have even decided that I may have to amend the “deep dive” of the launch to meet our real world energy and other demands on our time—as well as the things that we have already promised ourselves that we will continue to do on a regular basis (like the weekly blog post, video, and podcast). —Again, even if we just do ten percent of what is outlined in the course coupled with some of our own goals, we know that we will be Winners Winners eating Chicken Dinners. 🐓 So, that’s the FIRST thing I need to focus on. I need to give myself grace RIGHT NOW, so that I won’t freak myself the fuck out.

Vision Board ( http://bit.ly/rockstarvision )

What is the D.I.Y. Rock Star Mindset?

Why is it Necessary? https://bit.ly/Ep135diyblog

Get Going!

With that expressed, I am going to promise myself to go through the rest of the course and put together THE BIG PLAN by the end of the week! And that will be the plan we draw up and that we draw from. Period. 💥 I am NOT going to keep overwhelming my own self to meet expectations that are arbitrary. I am going to take my own fucking advice for once. Because if I want to continue to enjoy my life—which really IS the goal—then I will protect my peace of mind fiercely. In order to TRULY do that, I have to push down that old tendency of mine to over-research, over-analyze, and over-plan, and instead I need to draw up the skeleton plan, fill it with as many quality strategies as are reasonable for our time and energy, and to just start implementing the actual plan.


But I will need to get my head out of my ass and get that done…. 😳

We also need to nail down the branding, even in the midst of continuing to shoot videos, etc. I have GOT to be able to chew gum and to walk at the same time! It is an absolute REQUIREMENT of the opportunities that we've created. We talked about how, as artists, all we’ve ever wanted to do was make the music that speaks to our soul—and really, nothing else….. However, if we are EVER going to see the kind of impact of letting our soul speak, we were going to need to learn to, not only create the music, but also learn to distribute and market it. And, yep, that was the icky side of the music business that we didn’t want to face, but if we were EVER going to gather the tribe of people who might dig our music, this was EXACTLY what we would need to do.

Gab & Jam Ep 136 5 Record Release Strategies that we have NEVER tried before—until NOW!

(video: https://bit.ly/Ep136recrelstratsvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/Ep136recrelstratspod )

"Choose Better Problems"….

So, in an effort to “choose better problems,” as Mark Manson says it, we are opting to cut our self-involved bullshit and keep our feet—and heart and hands and energy—marching in the right direction, so that we can find out what’s on the other side of this huge undertaking. We know that it will be worth it. ❤️

We’d like to bring you along with us. If you haven’t already, be sure to follow us on your favorite social media—we’re most active on YouTube, Facebook, and SoundCloud—but you can find us on a boatload of others (listed below).

‘Want to see how our band bio turned out? (https://bit.ly/bpjbio2020 )

Gab & Jam Ep 133 Top 10 Funk Bass Lines video:


The bottom line?

Without a doubt, YOU are by far the best thing that has ever happened to us, so we don’t want to overburden you with asking for favors. However, we’d really and truly appreciate it if you would give us a kick-start on Spotify (as we will be trying to build up our presence there). If you would following us, it would mean the world to us. Thanks in advance! Here’s the follow URL for our band:

Please click to follow our band.

Thanks in advance! ❤️

Our newest RedBubble T-Shirt



  1. Top Music-Related Documentaries https://bit.ly/Ep127musicdocsblog

  2. 10+ Social Media Strategies for the D.I.Y. Rock Star https://bit.ly/socmediablog

  3. What is the D.I.Y. Rock Star Mindset? Why is it Necessary? https://bit.ly/Ep135diyblog

  4. If you missed last month’s newsletter, here it is: https://bit.ly/aug2020diyrockstar


  1. Ep 133 Top 10 Funk Bass Lines (video: https://bit.ly/Ep133topbasslinesvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/Ep133topbasslinespod )

  2. Ep 134 My music is “dated.” So what?! (video: https://bit.ly/Ep134datedmusicvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/Ep134datedmusicpod )

  3. Ep 135 What is D.I.Y. and Why is it Necessary? (video: https://bit.ly/Ep135diyvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/EP135diypod )

  4. Ep 136 Our Record Release Strategies (video: https://bit.ly/Ep136recrelstratsvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/Ep136recrelstratspod )


78. “On Our Way Today” @Takamine #Takamine #acoustic

79. “In America” bass riff @Fodera #Fodera #bass @ebsswedenofficial

80. “In America” guitar solo @Gibson #Gibson #LesPaul


Song to SoundCloud:


Spotify Prejippified New Funk Playlist:

  • We started a Spotify playlist to highlight new funk. We've love you to listen, submit, suggest. Here's the link: https://bit.ly/newfunk


Bass Love Playlist: https://bit.ly/bassloveplaylistvid


  • “Sugar Fit”: It’s the R&B/funk album that we always wanted to hear; with a mix of Sly, Prince, Cameo, Johnny Guitar Watson, and a splash of Third World. Please follow us on Spotify. :) https://bit.ly/bpjspotfollow

(HERE'S HOW WE PLAN: Weekly Blogging Planning Method)

What have YOU decided to say “no” to,

so that you can say “yes” to something else?

We’d love to hear about it.

Respond to this email and/or leave a comment below.

Until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!

To come along with us on our journey to find that next creatively inspiring thing, be sure you’ve subscribed to both the blog and to our YouTube channel.

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