Rock Star Rewind: Bigger Fish to Fry (March 2019)

Happy New Year!

If we haven’t formally said it, “Happy New Year!” We have all been blessed with another year to make our magic and showcase it to the world.

Switched Tools

Speaking of showcasing it to the world, we are finally using Final Cut Pro X. Yes, I had been threatening to make the switch, but Bruce said that it should happen sooner than later, so here we are, officially, in Final Cut Pro X land. There’s a learning curve, but after a few carefully, curated curse words, I am up and running and don’t plan to turn back. (Here’s the last music video that I am ever going to do with Adobe Premiere Elements: “B Movie Queen”)

Here's our latest music video.

Starting out right…

As you probably already know, we’ve picked our “19 for 2019” and we’ve got big things planned that include you. If you can’t wait until the big roll-outs, then check out this post: (Here are video, podcast, and blog links.) I even whipped up a content calendar for the blog, so that you’ll know what to watch for. Click here to see it.

Here's our "19 for 2019" Goals video

Personally, I think what has been most amazing and awe-inspiring is how much we’ve done this past year. I can hardly keep track of everything, because our connections are expanding and deepening. We can happily say that we have new virtual friends who share similar interests and who are looking to share resources to uplevel on all our social media platforms (see where you can find us below).

This is a true upgrade from last year when we felt as if we were standing alone and trying to figure it all out. We’ve even drawn in some family members to test the waters of stepping out here and crafting a creative life with passion and purpose. I have to thank the abundance mindset for teaching us how to build this new community around us. It didn’t exist, but we desired it and put in the hard work and spread the love, and now we are reaping the rewards. Now, we are able to find that support and camaraderie in our musical affiliations too and it’s been really inspiring. So, thank you all for coming along on this journey.

Too much mixing?

It’s hard to talk about these past few months without talking about how this blog feeds into our music publishing company, though, since now we are finding those pieces from each side that fit so nicely together. For instance, in our “19 for 2019,” one of our collective goals is to upload a work-in-progress song live video each week and to write, record, and release a new song every month. So, when I am counting our list of accomplishments, that has to go on the list, because we’ve been doing it like clockwork for 7 weeks now. Wow! When we first started it, I don’t know why it didn’t occur to us that the songs would mount up so quickly. But they have.

So, in the midst of all the other things that are going on, we have made time and energy to reconnect with our creativity and that’s been extremely rewarding. This, in turn, has led to creating more content specific to making and sustaining a self-propelled musical career. (If that’s you, then you should come join us in our Facebook group.)


  • Episode #42: Musical Discoveries Version 2.0 Part 1 (video and podcast)

  • Episode #43: Musical Discoveries Version 2.0 Part 2 (video and podcast)

  • Episode #44: “19 for 2019” Goals (video and podcast)

  • Episode #45: Is music worse than ever before? (video and podcast)


“B-Movie Queen” Music Video



South By Southwest Meet Up Link

Here's our Musical Discoveries V2.0 Part 1 video.

(HERE'S HOW WE PLAN: Weekly Blogging Planning Method)

How has your year started out?

Are you crushing your goals or are you struggling?

We'd love to hear about it either way.

Until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!

To come along with us on our journey to find that next creatively inspiring thing, be sure you’ve subscribed to both the blog and to our YouTube channel.

More Ways to stalk B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
