Rock Star Rewind: Fried Eggs for Brains And Then the Funk? (August 2020)

First, we lost track of time….

The sun had fried our brains it seemed….. Trips were cancelled, time drags and then speeds, but our vision board has a bunch of goals that we have yet to achieve; up to and including releasing a brand new funk album. That probably explains why, after 2 weeks of NOT having planned out ANYTHINGother than our standard weekly YouTube video and podcast—I realized what was holding us back; it was the fact that we had not decided upon a record release plan.

Vision Board ( )

Gab & Jam Ep 130 10+ Social Media Strategies for the D.I.Y. Rock Star (video: and podcast: )

Say what?!

I know, I know; folks sometimes figure that we know ALL things D.I.Y. Rock Star, but to be honest, even though we have recorded and released music for over 3 decades, we have NEVER really followed a formal plan. However, now that we’re older and wiser, we feel that this may have contributed to us not achieving some of the reach that we wanted for our music.

(If you haven't already, consider joining our almost 600 member

Be the Next D.I.Y. Rock Star Facebook Group! )

Gab & Jam Ep 128 5 Reasons to use a Pseudonym for a D.I.Y. Rock Star (video: and podcast: )

A goal without a plan is a wish….

So, since we have learned better since starting this blogging journey, we are opting to do better. This means that, yes, we MUST have some kind of clarified goals and, yes, a day-to-day plan of action items to up level our results. Therefore, in order to move the needle forward, we have taken a deep-dive into exploring independent record release strategies, and have combined all that we have learned into what has turned out to be our record release plan.

22 Take-Aways from Ariel Hyatt’s Record Release Strategies (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)

Backward design….

We also realized that, in order to be successful in executing the plan, we need to get many pieces of collateral prepared in advance—that we had previously overlooked—written, designed, ordered—you name it—so that when it’s time to rock and roll, we show up strong.

And, if you have been listening to me rant all month, you already know that it took me a couple of days of research to find the right formula for the band bio. This was the post that I ended up using as our guide ( “How to Write an Artist Bio” ).

‘Want to see how our band bio turned out? ( )

Drive By Review: Fiona Apple’s “Fetch the Bolt Cutters”

The bottom line?

Well, I am not trying to go into every bit of detail, but still trying to give you a sense of the level of detail that we’re trying to tease out, so that we can be as strategic, fiscally-prudent, but still as in our creative flow as possible. That means that we are mining marketing plans, promotional ideas, budgets, and all-around methods to woo, gather, and engage fans (old and new) with our brand of crunchy, bass-filled funk.

By the way, if you have more experience at being thoughtful in releasing music, we’d love to hear from you. Simply reply to this email to share your wisdom about what we should do.

And for you all, as has been our promise from the beginning, we will take you along on our journey. We are embarking on this MASSIVE new thing and, you’re going along for the ride. Which is why, after quite a slow start, this month has turned into an absolutely big one for us.

And you know what? With the summer sun frying our brains and finding us walking barefoot into the grassy backyard, we have found that YOU really make a great trip companion. Even if our trip is virtual-meets-backyard, we know that YOU appreciate taking these twists and turns with us. So, we’ve decided to take you everywhere; especially on our trip to have a “Sugar Fit.” Please follow us on Spotify. :)

Gab7 Jam Ep 131 Is Funk Music Dead?

(video: and podcast: )

D.I.Y. Rock Star Goals During Coronavirus Playlist

Here are the ways to stay productive and moving forward on your music and creative goals during this unusual time.

Do you know about our Song-a-Week Challenge?

(Here’s our “19 for 2019 Goals”: )

Our newest RedBubble T-Shirt

(Did you miss this? )

Here's our first ever Music Biz Growth Hacks post.



  1. Drive By Review: Fiona Apple’s “Fetch the Bolt Cutters”

  2. "22 Take-Aways from Ariel Hyatt’s Record Release Strategies (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)"

  3. If you missed last month’s newsletter, here it is:


  1. Ep 128 5 Reasons to use a Pseudonym for a D.I.Y. Rock Star (video: and podcast: )

  2. Ep 129 George Floyd Mourning: Ways Music Can Offer a Way Forward (video: and podcast: )

  3. Ep 130 10+ Social Media Strategies for the D.I.Y. Rock Star (video: and podcast: )

  4. Ep 131 Is Funk Music Dead? (video: and podcast: )

  5. Ep 132 Getting Rid of Urban Music Category; Now What? (video: and podcast: )


74. “Everything’s Alright” bass riff @Sandberg

75. “Loving My Life” U-bass riff @Kala #ubass #ukulele

76. “Becoming Me” @Fender #Telecaster #Fender

77. “Chic Quake” @Fender #Telecaster #Fender


Song to SoundCloud:



  • “Sugar Fit”: It’s the R&B/funk album that we always wanted to hear; with a mix of Sly, Prince, Cameo, Johnny Guitar Watson, and a splash of Third World. Please follow us on Spotify. :)

(HERE'S HOW WE PLAN: Weekly Blogging Planning Method)

No MATTER what happens with this Coronavirus thing,

what are you doing to fulfill the creative dreams of your heart?

Remember that this is why we’re here.

We’d love to hear about your planning and your thought process.

Please share it in the comments below.

Until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!

To come along with us on our journey to find that next creatively inspiring thing, be sure you’ve subscribed to both the blog and to our YouTube channel.

More Ways to consume B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
