What Can We Write About for 30 Days? Blog-vember 2018!

Day 3 What Can We Write About for 30 Days?

Blog-vember 2018!

Yes, folks have asked, “What in the world can you write about to complete a 30 Day Challenge?” They act as if we aren’t writers. As a blogger, it is my joy to talk/write about things that others don’t talk/write about, right? Plus, I can find beauty in a flower growing through a crack in the pavement and, if you let me loose to write about that, then, damn it, there’s yet another post in the making!

If you're curious, check out the "9 Things We Learned in 8 Months of Blogging" post.

Stay On-Topic, Tho….

Having said all that—and realizing what an absolute mess I made of last Blog-vember, with topics flying all over the place in focus—I decided to at least TRY to stick to things within our newly-pinpointed niche. So, to keep the posts most meaningful for that lovely—or sometimes, rugged—potential D.I.Y. Rock Star that we’re trying to attract, we will focus on either the process of doing this Blog-vember thing—a metacognitive, but instructive process for those interested in tackling such a venture—or we’ll cover tips, tricks, and strategies to keep that creative machine oiled. And while that seems like a broad base of topics, it is far more narrow than what we did last year. –I freely admit that last year’s Blog-vember was just a challenge to get something—ANYTHING!—published each day. What that meant was that even if it was a photo of a really nice sunset, it would have made the list! I’m not kidding! It was pathetic. –Again, I’m older and wiser now, and know how to plan ahead much better. Therefore, these blog posts are much more intentional.

What About the Videos and Podcasts, Then?

Well, look, we can’t promise all that with the Gab & Jam episodes. The videos (and accompanying podcasts) are personality gateways, as far as we are concerned. And while we do discuss musical issues and creative adventures, we spend far more time sharing who we are as creative, thoughtful people and less time straight-up educating. We get to loosen up and showcase Bruce’s funky bass-playing and my super funky outfits. On-brand? Yes. On topic, maybe…

So, here’s what the strategy is for these 30 posts for each of those platforms: I put 30 pretty random questions into a bag, we pick and answer those questions. That’s it. No rocket science here. What made it terribly exciting for me is that Bruce did not know what the questions were before we started and I didn’t have my answers already prepared (even though I knew what the questions were).

Another “Strategy”

The other way that I plan to maximize blog posts is to go through my list of nearly 20 unfinished—and, obviously, unpublished posts—to find the ones that I revive from the dead. (Some of them were just really short—which was why it didn’t get finished. Some of them were corny—for lack of a better word. And then some of them just frigging need references and links researched and thrown in.) The one thing they all had in common, though, is that I lacked the motivation at the time I wrote them to put the finishing touches on them. I can change all that. There were really some neat ideas in there and with a little pruning, they can blossom. By gum, they are going to get that chance during this Blog-vember challenge!

So there. That’s the plan.

We hope you travel along with us on the journey….

Here's Day Two of this 30 Day Challenge.

Until next time, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease….


Here is one of our recent out and about vlogs for your viewing pleasure.

What are your strategies for living creatively?

Please share your ambitious plans in the comments below.

We can’t say it enough, but if you like the vibe and want to be a part of our tribe, make sure you subscribe, dude!

Until next time, here's wishing a hearty helping of love, peace, and chicken grease!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, too.

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