Getting Sh*t Done: a New Weekly Blogging Planner Method

Updated: Jan 6

As you may know, I have recently begun running our blog and YouTube channel full-time. Up until recently, I had a more scatter-gun approach to planning, but now I am attempting to add in full-time care of our music publishing business too, so the blogging needs to run more smoothly. I was trying to simply use my Plum Paper Planner, but I couldn’t put everything that I needed on one page. I tried online project management app Trello, but I can’t see all the parts working together, so that did me no good. Finally, I cobbled together what I needed to see with what I needed to do to create a one-sheet weekly planning page that works for me. I hope that this planner page is helpful for both bloggers, who are either D.I.Y. Rock Stars and for those who are not. It is our goal to support blogging bad-asses, who are doing their thing from scratch (like us).

This newly-crafted planning method takes into account communicating with our email list, providing time for big projects, and then also adds in weekly posts and videos. I used some of what Jonathan Milligan at Blogging Your Passion podcast talked about in his June 29, 2018 episode to make my own version. He said that folks ask him how he gets so much done. Well, I’ve been getting that same question. My answer comes from a re-jiggering of what I learned from Jonathan, as well as adding in those must do weekly responsibilities (like blog posts, videos, and social media posting).

Section One:

Milligan suggests a weekly BIG 3 GOALS (which are related to his 90-day goals, like writing books, courses, or devising new email campaigns). He does not include his weekly blog posts or videos in this section. —Well, what I had to do was to ADD in those must haves—because I am new to keeping to a schedule, so it’s helpful to be reminded of those as well. (—Because I have one foot in the blog world and one foot in our music recording/publishing business, I get more scattered than most, I am sure.) When I get distracted—which happens often—I come back to look at THIS must-do list for the week. ​

I fill in the top 3 tasks that go with each of these 6 BIG goals. I take a look at the month and weeks coming and set that list either the week before, the Sunday of that week, or first thing on Monday morning.

Section Two:

Again, based on my re-modeling of the that original plan, I have under section two, which accounts for daily tasks. Under each day, there are spots for “emails” and “content to publish” (blog posts, podcasts, videos). (The “content to publish” includes all the free content intended to attract and provide value for your target audience.)

Are you ready to download our Weekly Blogging Plan Sheet?

Section Three:

The third section is for planning forward the rest of the projects that have not been completed within this week. Once I account for it, I set a time-frame for when I plan to get them done. (For me, I have been working on our first eBook and have finally made some progress on it, but since I know that I won’t be done before the end of the week, I am adding it to this list, so that I can be sure to add it to my next Weekly Blogging Plan sheet.)

Section Four:

The fourth section is for brainstorming future big projects and then for brainstorming other ideas for next week. (On this week’s sheet, I am adding in finally capping off my Gearfest 2018 posts and finalizing our end of the month newsletter.)

This planner page is a wonderful tool that help organize and re-focus me, not only the weekly and daily tasks, but also keeps you looking toward those bigger goals; that I may normally find the time to take care of (especially those projects that will make you some revenue). I hope you find this helpful too.

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If you would like a copy of this Weekly Blogging Plan sheet, click the link for the downloadable PDF of this Planner Page.

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