Rock Star Rewind: Manifesting the Beauty in Our Truth (October 2018)

To find the truth in our beauty

First, a rant: I may have mentioned before that our entire venture into vlogging, blogging, podcasting, and all that is an effort to channel our passion; to find that beauty in our truth. We are not here for money—not that we wouldn’t welcome being rewarded for doing what we love—but unlike so many things we see out here—from blogging to songwriting—is focused squarely on that one pursuit. That is not our truth. That has never been our truth. It is this fundamental difference that calls us to question much of the advice of those who value pursuit of profit over all else.

So, yes, we are searching for answers to how to function as a thriving blog (and as a thriving music publishing business), but the way we do it has to be true to our intuition toward the art. We know it can be done. We know that we can do it. Often the art speaks far louder than the commerce. We have to keep our blinders on, let the tuning fork lead us through our beauty toward our truth, and take heed to the old adage, “If you build it, they will come.”

So, in answer to the age old question of “Which comes first; the chicken or the egg?” We will have to let you know when that truth is conclusively revealed. All I can say is that we will keep planting proverbial “seeds” (aka, eggs, in this case) in order to later realize a harvest.

"Our First Time: Chicago Music Exchange 2018" Video

One Egg Hatched Six Chicks…..

Well, if you’ve been around for the last few months, you’ll know that we been hemming and hawing and stopping and re-working our first ever eBook (for making it in the music business in this new climate).

It turns out that the longer we sat with it and wrote, the longer it became and the more sections we added. Somehow, what turned into a simple amount of information turned into pages overflowing with tips, tricks, and strategies alongside of sage advice. Instead of pruning—which was my first inclination—I am taking one of those-podcast-folks-that-I-listen-to’s advice and am making it an eBook series. –Yay! –Now, there will be a series of six books on topics for success on your own terms for making, distributing and promoting music you are passionate about in today’s creative market. What I love about this is that it can grow as we tackle more topics and add new editions of the eBook, which is a win-win situation for us and for you. The more information we can provide, the more “value” you get. These will eventually turn into video courses, so if you’re interested, you might want to jump on these during the first launch (where they will be free for a very limited time). If you’re interested, please email me sooner than later at to let me know you’d like to be put on the launch list.

The other best part about all this is that I have finally begun putting the final first few together and they should FINALLY be live by the end of September (if not sooner). Yes, it took a while getting our heads around what we wanted to say and figuring how best to make it available, but I think you will be as happy with the result as we are in creating them.

Bitten by the content bug….

After all that gabbering about NOT liking to edit video and swearing that I was going to farm it off the minute I could find someone to do it, I am somewhat sheepishly admitting that I am hooked on seeing new content come out (and get slurped up by our tribe). What this means is that I want to make more videos and make them faster. To do this, I need to harness the power of being able to batch-select and adjust clips all at-once—something that my limited Adobe Premiere Elements does not let me do (for obvious reasons). So, I’m finally going to step up to Apple’s Final Cut Pro. Hopefully, it’s not too crazy to get up-to-speed with the simple things that I plan to do and, hopefully, I will be able to whip out that video-a-week faster.

Along with more and regularly-uploaded videos, I listen to sooooo many podcasts now—yes, including our own, since I DO believe in getting high on my own supply!—that I want to get those out weekly too, if possible. I know, I know; I can’t say where I will find the time to do it all, except that I plan to spend less time lurking on social media—and maybe try a scheduling app—while I focus more on find new networking and pitching places, and on creating more fricking content! Yes, the bug has bitten and I’m giddy to have been “infected.” Watch out, world!

More Arts-Sharing

And, and, and…..finally, we are fully aware that our focus is spread a little thin, but we used to run a poetry zine—back when my lad was a wee one—and I kinda miss having music reviews and miss sharing folks’ poetry, so I am hoping that, even if it’s on a limited basis, I would like to incorporate that into the zine in some small way. So there. That’s it. I swear. And that’s a lot, I know. But we wouldn’t be Prejippies if we weren’t a little frizzled, right? (Here's a little about that.)

Anyway, here’s the official REWIND for August....

Gab & Jam Episode 6 Prejippies' Paris Preview Video

August's Proud Moments:

We’re Most Proud of:

  • “Hero” video reached 500k views on Facebook (PMG Records)

  • Taking hold of more administrative tasks in blogging

  • Pitching for music licensing (with sister-company, PMG Cool & Quirky Custom Music)

  • Strategizing and writing on our first eBooks (The Be a D.I.Y. Rock Star Series)





  • Facebook Group

  • Upgrading to Final Cut Pro

  • More creative videos

  • eBook series available very soon

  • Music reviews?

  • Poetry?

What exciting new discoveries have YOU made this past month?

I want to challenge yourself to find something that lights your fire every month. Plan it out. Enjoy. Then, share.

Until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!

To come along with us on our journey to find that next creatively inspiring thing, be sure you’ve subscribed to both the blog and to our YouTube channel.

More Ways to stalk B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
