Last 5 Drive By: Gab and Jam Round Up (May 2019)

Somehow, we assume that you lovely people who read the blog are also watching our YouTube channel and listening to our podcast. However, it occurred to us recently—after missing a few of the videos of channels that I am subscribed to—that perhaps there is NOT that kind of seamless overlap. Our goal is certainly NOT to be mysterious—even though some folks find that hot; we really do want to help you enjoy everything that we have to offer (which we know sometimes can be quite a lot). (—If you are wondering why we do ALL the things, then check out our guest blog post at ).
So, this week we decided to share a little of what we’ve been up to on our talk show, Gab & Jam. In an effort NOT to overwhelm, however, we are just going to focus on the last 5 YouTube and the SoundCloud episodes. That way, you can join us at whichever is your favorite place to view/listen at your leisure.
Our preoccupation lately has been with those issues relating to one’s creative philosophy and about classifying the work once it’s created. These are questions that we’ve discussed amongst ourselves for years, so it’s nice to invite you, dear reader/listener/viewer, into our conversations.
Here are the deets....
“Should Artists Be Political? Art In The Age Of Trump” Gab and Jam Ep #54 (video and podcast)
“Community Vs. Competition in the Music Business” Gab and Jam Ep #55 (video and podcast)
“Are genres important anymore?” Gab and Jam Ep #56 (video and podcast)
“Owning Your Story As Part Of Your Purpose” Gab And Jam #58 (video and podcast)
We hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy some (or all) of these episodes. We certainly have enjoyed making them. If you would, please share an episode or two with a friend that might find them delightful. Also, we’d love it if you would take a moment and subscribe on your favorite viewing/listening provider and then rate and review us. (This will help more people enjoy what you enjoy.) Thanks in advance. Here are a few things on tap for the future.
Underappreciated Geniuses (in Music)
Artists Who Have Had Dramatic Transformations
(HERE'S HOW WE PLAN: Weekly Blogging Planning Method)
Do you have suggestions for show topics?
Is there anything you’d like to hear more of?
Please share in the comments below.
Until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!
To come along with us on our journey to find that next creatively inspiring thing, be sure you’ve subscribed to both the blog and to our YouTube channel.
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