Spillin’ Tea: Summer of Discovery
Around the World in 4 Months??

Where has the time gone?! It seems like I’m asking that every month now. But it’s more true now than a few months ago, since the summer season—weather providing proof or not—is just a month away. And not only have we done a bunch—filming and uploading new videos, writing blog posts, and networking—but we’ve also been planning for our whirlwind summer to come. But this post is supposed to be about this past month, so here we go:
Filmed Gab & Jam Episode 4 “What’s a ‘Prejippie’”? (due out soon)
Posted 3 blog posts (“16 Favorite Movie Soundtracks,” “Birthday Bookstore Hop,” and “Art Fun Run”)
Posted 2 videos (these accompany the blog posts: “Birthday Bookstore Hop” and “Art Fun Run”)
Participated in self-induced Pinterest-immersion (to get more out of that platform)
Participated in self-induced product creation quest (working on an eBook and an online course).
Our trips start this month and we will be generating many a blog and vlog posts from them. We’re excited about the trips, because this is helping to fulfill the vision for our lives. And we are super-excited about launching head-first into managing our business full-time. We are implementing these game-changing strategies and, again, fulfilling our vision for our lives.
As always, we are always interested to know what you’ve been doing this past month that has made you feel amazing and creative.
Please share your experiences with us
by dropping us a comment below.
Well, until next we meet, here’s wishing you love, peace, and chicken grease!
Keep your muse fed, be sure to subscribe.
More Ways to stalk B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/bloomingprejippie
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bloomingprejippie
Youtube: https://goo.gl/EzSkVn
Soundcloud (blog): https://soundcloud.com/bloomingprejippie
Soundcloud (music): https://soundcloud.com/prejippie