Spillin' Tea: Floral Flurry

What have we been up to?
The real question is “What haven’t when been up to?!”
Blog-vember Challenge: We posted for 22 days straight during the month of November, which was a true challenge, but helped us all grow as blogging partners—we roped our kids in for a for a few posts—and helped get us back to the creative part of our dream gig.
Giveaways: We closed out both giveaways—Find Our Tribe and Gratitude Grab Bag—and started planning what we are going to do for the next.
Turkey Trot: As a family, we participated in the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot (which was our follows our philosophy articulated in The Burn Before the Buns post). Again, another great family bonding opportunity and a way to stay fit during this indulgent holidays.
Real World Networking: We attended another offline networking event—Women in Harmony—where we met quite a few local women who are creative and looking to take over the Michigan musical world. We listened to a quick talk on empowerment, watched a live performance by local performer, Julie Haven, and handed out our now infamous merch goodie bags. A good time was had by all. (Shout out to Pastel, a local creative workspace—and to Green Bell Marketing for spearheading the event.)
Muse Queue: We started a section of our blog that specifically showcases truly inspiring and obscure products, places, and activities. If you can think of a link that we should add, click here to add your link.
Future Plans:
We’ve got a ton of them, but since this a closing-out-the-last-month kinda deal, all that news will keep until the next newsletter.
We’re excited about all that is to come and will only keep challenging conventions, stretching ourselves, and, yes, blooming…
Until next time, love, peace, and chicken grease!
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