Rock Star Rewind: Hustle Hard: Why Hustle? (July 2019)
Heading into 3 years… As we have made this journey, we have begun to crystallize our view of what we want, what we need, and what we will...

Last 5 Drive By: Gab and Jam Round Up (May 2019)
Somehow, we assume that you lovely people who read the blog are also watching our YouTube channel and listening to our podcast. However,...

Rock Star Rewind: Who Laid an Egg? Easter Re-birth…. (June 2019)
We Laid an Egg . . . Even when we’ve had to take a breather in the whirlwind of activity, we still have our goals as the focus. However,...

Rock Star Rewind: Making Mojo . . . (May 2019)
Mojo Momentum… It’s not our intention to brag about ANYTHING that is happening now. We TRULY want to share that we are in awe of all...

Rock Star Rewind: Bees making honey . . . (April 2019)
Productive; not just busy… II promise you, we are NOT confusing being busy with being productive…..In fact, I have given myself...

Insights from the Mind of a Music Blogger: Not-so-Faithful Show Notes to Gab & Jam Episode 50 (w
This post corresponds—but is NOT faithful—to Gab & Jam Episode 50 Insights from a Music Blogger with Guest Lori Stratton from Stratton...

Rock Star Rewind: Bigger Fish to Fry (March 2019)
Happy New Year! If we haven’t formally said it, “Happy New Year!” We have all been blessed with another year to make our magic and...

New Year; New Musical Discoveries
This post corresponds—but is NOT faithful—to Gab & Jam Episode 42 Musical Discoveries V2.0 Parts 1 and 2. It might be noteworthy to...

Rock Star Rewind: Holiday Edition (February 2019)
Our Message…. I had really had planned to do a full-fledged edition of our monthly newsletter, but it occurred to us that this CAN be a...

Rock Star Rewind: All the Things...(January 2019)
ALL the things…. As you probably have already heard, November was a super busy month. It wasn’t just because of the annual Thanksgiving...